Hereis the sound of a B minor scale played with the neck, middle and bridge pickup settings on a clean amp setting in AU lab with PodFarm. While the pickups are better than what you’d expect on a budget guitar, they are a little lackluster.

I’d recommend using the highest gear ratio you can get. While I like Steinberger tuners – I’d have to think quite a bit before I sank $200 into tuners on any guitar. Since the guitar has 4 tuners on a side – you would need to purchase two 6 string sets to replace them. The tuners really can’t handle the strings at this pitch.Some modifications you may want to make / Design Recommendations 008s can handle this tension at this scale – FYI) – so I’ve been playing the guitar tuned down a 1/2 step to acomodate the high Ab. Those strings will not handle being tuned to high A (apparently Octave4Plus. 007s (and none of the local music stores stock them) I found place that carried single. 007 – I can dig in on the other strings and be a little more aggressive with the bending.īecause I ran out of. With the extra scale length – the tension is a little closer to an. 010 7 string pack set a lot for this guitar. 007s in the meantime (about $.50 a string versus about $6 a string for the Ocatve4plus – but if those strings don’t snap when you look at them the wrong way – it’s a good investment). Since the Octave4Plus strings may take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to get shipped, I’ve ordered 30 sets of the. 007 D’Addario can be stretched up to pitch on the 26.5″ scale neck and the strings can be bent a 1/2 step or so from the 12th fret up – it is pretty tempermental (I snapped the 5 strings I ordered from over the course of a couple of days). I still haven’t has a change to get the guitar properly set up, so everything I’m posting here should be taken with a grain of salt. I mentioned a lot of the issues I had with the low F# string in part one of this review, as well as some specifics of getting an.