Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that Sm-p80/ Sm-p80 ortholog proteins are expressed in different life cycle stages of the three major human species of schistosomes studied. haematobium challenge trials and these are associated with the prophylactic efficacy of Sm-p80 vaccine. A balanced Th1 (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, and IL-12) and Th2 (IL-4, IgG1) type of responses were observed following vaccination in both S. haematobium-hamster infection/challenge model. DNA prime/protein boost (1 + 1 dose administered on a single day) resulted in 26.95% reduction in worm burden in S.

Immunization with Sm-p80 vaccine reduced worm burden by 46.75% against S. We also elucidated the expression of Sm-p80 and Sm-p80 ortholog proteins in different developmental stages of S. haematobium challenge infections in rodent models. In this study, we evaluated the cross-species protective efficacy of Sm-p80 vaccine against S.

mansoni challenge infections in mice and baboons. Schistosoma mansoni large subunit of calpain ( Sm-p80)-based vaccine formulations have shown remarkable efficacy in protecting against S. Despite large-scale schistosomiasis control efforts, clear limitations such as possible emergence of drug resistance and reinfection rates highlight the need for an effective schistosomiasis vaccine. Schistosomiasis remains a major global health problem. Molehin, Adebayo J Sennoune, Souad R Zhang, Weidong Rojo, Juan U Siddiqui, Arif J Herrera, Karlie A Johnson, Laura Sudduth, Justin May, Jordan Siddiqui, Afzal A Cross-species prophylactic efficacy of Sm-p80-based vaccine and intracellular localization of Sm-p80/ Sm-p80 ortholog proteins during development in Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium.